Some folks never learn. At least the idiot I'm referring to doesn't. He's been in an out of jail and in and out of rehabilitation. Somebody is protecting him. Particularly when it comes to footing the bill for the expensive rehabilitation facilities he's attended.
This idiot is going to whack somebody with his car. It might be you or one of your kids. Then the DA and others who protected this guy over the years are going to have long faces and complain that they didn't know the problem was so bad. Is it too early to say there is a cover-up going on? It sures smells that way...
The police know who this guy is and can nail him anytime they want - and his enabler as well. When are they going to do it? He needs to be taken off the streets for good.
For those who are protecting him. You know who you are and everyone else knows who you are as well. Don't let this human tragedy continue. Step up to the plate and do something about it. People will think better of you for it.
Otherwise, your lives could really get complicated.
You are right. Apparantly the new circuit "Judge" let this out on on a real low bond even with opposition from the DA. What is he thinking? He now has another Felony DUI and a string of additionial charges to go with it. What is it going to take?
Get ready!! There is at least one official which is stepping up to the plate. He has been indicted for a Felony DUI charge which I hope will stick (From a Leglislative and Supreme Court Standpoint) May be he will be off the streets for a while.
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